By: T3 Since: Jul 2017 Licence: MIT

1. Quick Start


Figure 2.1.1 : GUI with pre-loaded tasks

  1. Ensure you have Java version 1.8.0_60 or later installed in your Computer.

    Having any Java 8 version is not enough.
    This app will not work with earlier versions of Java 8.
  2. Download the latest 2Do.jar from the releases tab.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your to-do list.

  4. Double-click the file to start the application. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

  5. When the application starts up, tasks due within a certain amount of time (the default is 1 day) will be displayed.

  6. To interact with the task manager, open the main application.

  7. You will then see a list of your tasks sorted by due date.

  8. Below the list, there is a command box. Type a command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will display all commands available.

  9. Some example commands you can try:

    • add n/projectX : adds a task with projectX as its name

    • list : lists all incomplete tasks

    • delete 2 : deletes the 2nd task shown in the current list

    • quit : quits 2Do

  10. Refer to the Features section below for details of each command.

2. Features



  • {}: Compulsory argument

  • []: Optional argument

  • [/h]: [/h] could be added behind [/list] and [/find] command words to operate the commands on the completed task list(history)
    Example: find [/h] project

  • [/f]: [/f] could be added behind the [/list] command word to operate the command on the floating task list(tasks without deadlines)
    Example: list [/f]


  • Format 1: mm/dd/yy
    Example: 05/04/17

  • Format 2: day month [year]+ Example: 5 jan 2018

  • Format 3: natural language
    Example: tomorrow


  • Format 1: 24HR
    Example: 1800

  • Format 2: natural language
    Example: 6pm

2.1. Viewing help : `help `

Format: help [name of command]
Example: help add

  • Help without arguments will show the list of all commands along with the usage information

  • Help with the name of a particular command will give information of that command

  • Usage information for the particular command will also be given in the case of incorrect usage

2.2. Adding a task : add / a / +

2.2.1. General

Format 1: add n/{name} s/[start] e/[end] d/[description] t/[tag1, tag2,…​] a/[alarm]
Example: add n/CS2103 Meetup s/03/05/17 1200 e/03/05/17 1400 d/Reunion lunch t/Reunion a/2 days

  • Creates a task with provided attributes and adds it to your list

  • start and end are in the format {date} {time}

  • alarm sets an notification to appear at the specified date

2.2.2. Floating tasks

Format: add n/{name} d/[description] t/[tag1, tag2,…​] a/[alarm]
Example: add n/Complain about CS2103 d/To destress t/NUS a/15/07/17 1200

  • You will not be able to set an alarm for floating tasks

2.2.3. Tasks with deadlines

Format: add n/{name} e/{end} d/[description] t/[tag1, tag2,…​] a/[alarm]
Example: add n/Complete CS2103 V0.2 e/10/07/17 1000 d/Ensure project is at least a minimum viable product t/NUS a/2 days

  • Tasks with deadlines can be added with only the end field included

2.2.4. Events

Format: add n/{name} s/{start} e/{end} d/[description] t/[tag1, tag2,…​] a/[alarm]
Example: add n/CS2103 final exams s/28/07/17 1430 e/28/07/17 1630 d/Pray hard t/NUS a/2 days

  • Events can be added with the start and end fields filled

2.3. Adding a tag : add tag / a tag / + tag

Format: add tag {tag name} {indices of the tasks to include under the tag}
Example: add tag NUS 1,2,3,8

  • The indices must be comma-separated

2.4. Deleting a task : delete / del / d / -

2.4.1. General

Format: delete {index}
Example: delete 1

  • Deletes task at that index (positive number) in the most recent call of list

2.5. Deleting a tag : delete tag / del tag / d tag / - tag

Format: delete tag {index of tag in tag list}
Example: delete tag 7

  • Deletion of default tags is not allowed

2.6. Listing all tasks : list / l

Format: list [/h] [/f] s/[start] e/[end] t/[tag1, tag2,…​]
Example: list s/05/03/17 1200 t/project t/personal

  • Lists all incomplete tasks if no additional arguments

  • Lists uincomplete tasks according to dates and/or tags provided

  • Adding /h lists completed tasks instead of incomplete tasks

  • Adding /f lists only floating tasks instead of all tasks

2.7. Finding a task : find / f

Format: find [/h] {keyword}
Example: find work

  • Scans through all tasks to find for keyword in any attribute and list it

  • Adding /h lists completed tasks instead of incomplete tasks

2.8. Undoing the last action : undo / u

Format: undo
Example: undo

  • Undoes the last successful action executed

2.9. Redoing the undone action : redo / r

Format: redo
Example: redo

  • Redoes the last successful undo command executed

2.10. Editing a task : edit / e

Format: edit {index} n/[new name] s/[new start] e/[new end] d/[new description] t/[new tags] a/[new alarm]
Example: `edit 2 n/CS2103 s/19/06/17 1000 e/28/07/17 1630 d/Special Term t/NUS `

  • Edits task at that index in the most recent call of list

  • new start and new end are in the format {date} {time}

  • new alarm sets a new notification to appear at the specified date

2.11. Marking a task as complete : mark / m

Format: mark {index}
Example: mark 4

  • Marks the task at that index in the most recent call of a list as complete

2.12. Marking a task as incomplete : unmark / un

Format: unmark {index}
Example: unmark 4

  • Marks a (completed) task as incomplete

2.13. Editing the default options : option / options / o

Format: option a/[alarm] m/[mark completion automatically]
Example: option a/1 minute m/true

  • Option without parameters will show the application’s options, that the user can edit, and their explanations

  • The default reminder alarm timing, before the deadline, can be edited

    • The default option is 1 day

    • Range for reminders: 1 minute to 7 days

    • Changes will only take effect for subsequent tasks that are added

  • The default automatic mark as complete setting can be edited

    • By default, this feature is disabled

    • This can be enabled to automatically mark tasks as completed once their deadline has passed

    • Once this is enabled, all existing tasks that are past their deadlines will be marked as complete as well

  • The amended options will last for the remainder of the session and will reset to the default options once the application closes

2.14. Saving list : save / s

Format: save [directory]
Example: save C:\Program Files\Common Files\2Do.xml

  • Saves the current to-do list and exports it as an xml file in the directory specified

  • By default, the file will be saved as data/2Do.xml in the directory of the application

  • 2Do creates the file if it does not exist

  • 2Do uses the to-do list in the last specified file path when it launches

2.15. Loading list : load

Format: load [directory]
Example: load C:\Program Files\Common Files\2Do.xml

  • Loads the to-do list present in the directory specified

2.16. Clearing list : clear / c

Format: clear `
Example: `clear

  • Master resets the current to-do list

  • Local file containing the current to-do list will be wiped clean as well

2.17. Quitting 2Do : exit / quit / q / x

Format: quit
Example: quit

  • Closes the 2Do application

3. FAQ

Q: How do I save my to-do list?
A: The data is saved in the hard drive automatically, by default as data/2Do.xml in the directory of the application, after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually. However, you may save it as another file using our Save Command.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the application in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous to-do list folder.

4. Command Summary

Command Main Format Example


help [name of command]

help add

add / a /

add n/{name} s/[start] e/[end] d/[description] t/[tag1, tag2,…​] a/[alarm]

add n/CS2103 Project V0.1 s/03/05/17 2359 e/04/05/17 1159 d/Special Term t/NUS a/2 days

add tag / a tag / + tag

add tag {tag name} {indices of the tasks to include under the tag}

add tag NUS 1,2,3,8

delete / del / d / -

delete [-h] {index}

delete 1

delete tag / del tag / d tag / - tag

delete tag {index of tag in tag list}

delete tag 7

list / l

list [/h] [/f] s/[start] e/[end] t/[tag1, tag2,…​]

list s/today 10am

find / f

find [/h] {keyword}

find work

undo / u



redo / r



edit / e

edit {index} n/[new name] s/[new start] e/[new end] d/[new description] t/[new tags] a/[new alarm]

`edit 2 n/CS2103 s/19/06/17 1000 e/28/07/17 1430 d/Special Term t/NUS a/2 days `

mark / m

mark {index}

mark 4

unmark / un

unmark {index}

unmark 4

option / options / o

option a/[alarm] m/ [mark completion automatically]

option a/1 minute m/true

save / s

save [directory]

save C:\Program Files\Common Files\2Do.xml


load [directory]

load C:\Program Files\Common Files\2Do.xml

clear / c



exit / quit / q / x

